200 Auburn Folsom Road, Suite 305
Auburn, California 95603
Our firm represents owners (both public and private), contractors, subcontractors and suppliers in all areas of construction, both residential and commercial projects. We offer our clients a wide range of transactional legal services and expertise in the construction industry from pre-bid, post-bid, during and after performance as well as analyzing issues and client projects from initial property acquisition/sale to conclusion.
We provide our clients with numerous services regarding construction law including:
Dispute Resolution
Representation of our clients also includes dispute resolution through negotiation, mediation and/or arbitration, litigation, or administrative proceedings.
This site and the information provided do not constitute legal advice and must not be used as a substitute for the counsel and services that you may require from an attorney authorized to practice law in your jurisdiction. Your use of this site does not create an attorney-client relationship or any other professional relationship whatsoever between you and Aronowitz Skidmore Lyon. Your reliance and use of the information contained in or linked from this site is done at your own risk.
Please remember that for us to become your attorney(s), we must first have a written attorney-client agreement signed by both client and attorney. Please DO NOT email any confidential information at this point as there is no duty of confidentiality. After we have reached an agreement with you, we can then exchange information freely. We look forward to helping you.